First choice I had to make was about how to get to Germany. Since I wasn't going into a big city, but to a rather isolated small city, I had to find some convenient way of getting there. From the multitude of travel routes I finally decided to take the shortest one, meaning a flight from Iasi to Frankfurt with the always "lovely" company TAROM. And from there to take a train directly to Saarbruecken. Said and done. There are a number of different ways for getting here, but this is the shortest route that I could find, the longest being a bus ride from Iasi (not that comfortable or pleasant...).
So I arrived in Germany. First issue: I don't speak German!! Big problem. Since the city is kind of isolated, the people tend not to learn any foreign language, so you are stuck with German. Good thing my sign language wasn't rusted. :) It came in handy while in Turkey. It did came in handy in Germany, also.
As a first impression, I was amassed by the infrastructure in transportation here. What I also liked was the colors. It may sound weird, but living in the dusty Cyprus with mainly yellow colors, one comes to appreciate the green, red or any rusty color different than yellow. :) I really liked that they have so many woods and green places.
And, finally, what impressed me the most was the architecture of all the places in Germany. It is a big change coming from the famous communist buildings with 10-stories crammed apartments. I love the neatly aligned houses with gardens and flowers. The city looks like a well-organized place. There are exceptions, like Frankfurt, but if you just take a train or a car and roam around you understand what I mean.
And the roads are not full of holes. :D
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