Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Accomodation and papers

I arrived in Germany. Good. But I have no place to stay! What to do now? Actually, I did have a place to stay for a few days. But, still, the first priority was to find accommodation.
I was really lucky to have a friend that could help me with the local stuff. As mentioned before, the English language is not the strong point here. That is why I started the saga of papers in Germany.
It is a known fact that when you move to a new place you need to make tons of papers for various reasons. And they always go in the same order. You must have a medical insurance in order to register to the University (or get a work permit). After you get the medical stuff done, you need to make a bank account (at least it's not BRD, the worst bank I have ever dealt with). After you finish with the bank (yeah, online banking rullz even if it's in German :)) you can, finally, make a rental contract. However, there might be some permutations in this order, since the rules tend to bend according to the situation. And, so, I found a place to stay in some remote corner of the city. The first thing to ask was about the Internet connection. And there was one. :) Good enough for living...
Good side about the papers was that Romania is in the EU and you don't need to justify too many things to have a bank account or why are you here. Bad side, at least about the bank, is that they don't give you a VISA/MASTERCARD, but an EC card, meaning Electronic Cash, which is a card useless for online shopping. And you have to make a separate request in order to get a VISA card. Also, all the papers or services have only German language choice. Kind of limited.

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