Thursday, 23 April 2009

Prague, Czech Me Out!

Two days after the Prague trip is over and I am still archiving all the memories and people. Prague is a special city. The blend between the east and the west seems almost right. You meet the usual rude people from the Eastern Europe who think their job sucks and it is a privilege that they do talk to you.
To forget about this rather familiar experience you drown yourself in the amazingly good local beer. My experience in Prague taught me 2 local words: Pivo cerny Kozel. It is actually 2 words, since Kozel is the name of the wonderful dark beer from around the place. The beer would come after a hefty lunch or dinner, invariably containing a garlic based food.
And who could forget the Pub Crawl, the beer on the terrace facing Vltava, the obsession of all the buildings with religion and knights, the feeling of Catholic empowerement given by all the somptous cathedrals, the sausage with mustard at 3 AM, the night tram full of drunken or high people, the standing train trip to Kutna Hora, walking through blossomed cherry trees in the Royal Palace Gardens, feeling the pain of the past when visiting the Museum of Communism, sensing the kitch and the Amsterdam look-a-like desire with the Sex Museum or sex related items. All in all, 5 days and nights of living life.

And in the beginning there was beer. And God said: Enjoy your Czech beer! The end.

P.S.: Oh, yeah, almost forgot. If you feel offended by lousy service at a bar, never go where Jean Claude Van Damme has gone before: U Medvidku. And don't trust exchange bureaus. Just use a bank or ATM!